Happy, Healthy Half Hour 2021 Archive
If you're searching for out-of-the-box ways to bring in some additional health and wellness into your life, the Happy, Healthy Half Hour 2021 archive is EXACTLY where you need to be.
This link will take you to my 2021 archive on Instagram where you will find 20 phenomenal episodes that will introduce you to different ways to think about your wellness that you may not have previously considered.
For example, did you know that massage is for SO MUCH MORE than relaxation? Or that Interior Design ABSOLUTELY can add to your health? And that self-love can happen at ANY size? Or maybe you’re interested in hearing about why we SHOULDN’T detox, or what the HECK a healthy habits coach is, how to better support your aging parents, or why I’m obsessed with Kangen water, and SO MUCH MORE (like hormones, gut-health and what to do when the unexpected happens)!
If you have an idea for a future topic or are interested in joining me as a guest, please reach out to me! I'd love to hear from you 🤩
Lindsey is an encourager, optimist, health + life coach, and yoga teacher who helps caregivers live fuller, healthier, vibrant lives through exploring all aspects of their life and health while helping to cultivate simple, sustainable fun-size habits, so that they can continue to make a meaningful impact in themselves, their loved ones, and the world, for generations to come.