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It was about 2 am in the morning when I woke up with a start, sat bolt upright and thought, this is NOT what life is supposed to feel like! There has GOT to be more, I KNOW there is more!

Let’s take it back a bit, it’s a few months earlier and I am sick AF, like REAL SICK, like in the hospital twice in one week and nothing is working kind of sick. The previous year, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjorgren’s syndrome. I’m a big believer in doing the work to heal our bodies through healthier choices BEFORE diving into the big time meds, so I set out on a journey to do just that. 

That year, I was also the CEO of my now-ex-husband’s company (I was a BFD right!? I even had bright red lipstick), determined to right the ship and my health while making sure my kids were thriving and not turning into jerks.

And I failed ya’ll...I failed BIG.

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I didn’t ask for help soon enough.

I was damn determined to fix EVERYTHING, and de-prioritized my health in favor of trying to save the company until that fateful week when I couldn’t get out of bed, no matter how hard I tried. (Sound familiar at all? Perhaps substitute out company for family, kids, partner, work, school, etc.) 

That rock bottom week was pivotal for me. Someone close to me said “Hey, I don’t think what you’re doing is working (I was basically living on a diet of french fries and other quick-grab foods). You need to consider meds because I don’t want to be wheeling you around in a wheelchair in 10 years”.

Wait, what?! Up until that point, it never occurred to me the long term damage I was doing to my body during what I thought was a short term hustle. I remember often thinking, if I *just* could fix the business, THEN I’ll work on myself. ::smack my head::

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I FINALLY asked for help.

I saw a kick ass Health Coach, removed gluten and dairy from my lifestyle (except for the occasional beer or slice of cake), discovered my superpower through an amazing mastermind course, and worked hard to break through the discomfort of putting myself first.

I was amazed how so much started to fall in place just by doing this. I had more energy, I was physically feeling better, I wasn’t as bitchy, and I started to get addicted to feeling good and curious about what else I could do to make my life and the lives of those around me better. Turns out, caring for yourself is more selfless than selfish.

A couple months later, I jumped. I left the company and found a deep passion for making healthy, vibrant living simple, not sucky and I started this business to help other mamas also discover their most fulfilling lives. The best part?

By changing the way we approach life and health, we model for others what this looks like, leading to a meaningful and positive impact on our families and the WORLD,

for generations to come!

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I Know My Stuff ; )

  • Institute of Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach

  • Certified International Health Coach

  • 300hr Certified Yoga Teacher

  • IIN Advanced Gut Health Certification

  • IIN Advanced Hormone Health Certification

  • IIN Whole Person Health Certification

  • IIN Detox Your Life Certification

  • Mom of 2 + Bonus Mom of 2

  • Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, but NOT Taste-Free Ninja

  • Thriving with Sjorgren’s + Hashimotos

  • Former Birth and Postpartum Doula

  • BA in Women’s Studies